7 SEAMEO Centre Indonesia Presented It Impacts to Education in Southeast Asia

On 3 May 2021, 7 SEAMEO Centre Indonesia (SCI) proudly presented International Webinar with the theme Contributions and Impacts of Indonesia-based SEAMEO Centres Indonesia to  Education in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The event was organized to celebrate Indonesian National Education Day or Hari Pendidikan Nasional (HARDIKNAS), which is annually commemorated on 2 May.

This international webinar featured some key persons in education, namely Professor Prof. Ainun Na’im, PhD (Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology), Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela (Director of SEAMEO Secretariat), Dr Hendarman (Acting Head of Bureau for Cooperation and Public Relation, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology) and the Board of Directors of 7 SCI.

Dr Sumardyono, SEAQiM Director, had the honour to share with the participants SEAQiM’s contributions to mathematics education in Indonesia and Southeast Asia through the Centre’s flagship programmes. Further, he presented how the SEAQiM has managed and adjusted its programmes with the current pandemic situation to cater to the needs of mathematics teachers in the region. Prior to his presentation, a testimonial video from one of SEAQiM alumni, Mr Riski of SDN Sidotopo VIII/55 Surabaya, was played, showing how SEAQiM programmes have made quite an impact on Indonesian mathematics teachers.

This international webinar, conducted virtually through Zoom and YouTube Live Streaming, successfully attracted more than 400 participants from Southeast Asia and beyond.

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