Assalaamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Welcome to the SEAQiM website. Our Centre is dedicated to developing and empowering teachers and education personnel across Southeast Asia through mathematics education. We know that today’s students will face challenges we are yet to comprehend. We aim to ensure that the mathematics education we teach covers 21st-century skills.
In achieving this goal, we conduct various programmes to support in-service teachers and education personnel, such as our regular courses. These courses are offered throughout the year at our Centre in Yogyakarta (on-site and online mode), each running for around two weeks. The courses’ themes include Southeast Asia Realistic Mathematics Education, Integrating ICT in Mathematics Education, Teacher-Made Mathematics Teaching Aid, Joyful Learning in Mathematics Education, STEM for Mathematics Learning, Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Education, Developing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education, and Clinical Supervision in Mathematics Education. These courses are facilitated by our academic staff and internationally renowned experts worldwide. For Indonesian teachers, applications can be submitted through this website or the link provided if you are interested in attending. For overseas participants, kindly contact your Ministry of Education for further information.
Our other programme offerings include seminars, workshops, teaching models, a biennial International Symposium on Mathematics Education & Innovation (ISMEI), a biennial Sam Ratulangi Awards, research on mathematics education, and community services such as STEM Villages in Joho, Sleman, Yogyakarta. We are always looking for exceptional teachers and educators to be involved with these programmes, so if you think that is you, make sure you apply and get involved!
Besides this website, you may follow our social media, such as Facebook or Instagram, to receive regular updates on our activities.
I look forward to working together to make Southeast Asia a world leader in mathematics education.
Wassalaamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Dr. Sumardyono,