SEAMETRICAL Vol 5 (2024)
SEAMETRICAL Vol 4 (2023)
SEAMETRICAL Vol 3 (2022)
SEAMETRICAL Vol 2 (2021)
SEAMETRICAL Vol 1 (2020)
Do you want to write for us?
Our bulletin, SEAMETRICAL is looking for contributor for our rubrics. All manuscript should center on mathematics, education, or mathematics education in pre-college education. Each of these rubric calls for articles focusing along a particular theme.
1. | Focus (1000 – 1500 words) |
Scientific discussion on important and critical topic in education or mathematics education. This piece will be the main feature of SEAMETRICAL. We welcome submission from teachers, university lecturers, or any other qualified education practitioner. | |
2. | Best Practice (1000 - 1500 words) |
Teachers who have experimented with innovative and creative problems, task, or activities may send their ideas as well as description of classroom implementation to SEAMETRICAL. The problems or activities should be included as attachment. A short video (no longer than 2 minutes) may be included to accompany the manuscript. We aim for the problem, task, or activities to be materials teachers can replicate or modify to enrich their classroom. | |
3. | Reader’s voices (800 - 1000 words) |
We are looking for essays of opinion regarding current issues in education or mathematics education. It should be short, to-the-point, and incite discussion. Submission are welcome from teachers, university lecturers, or any other qualified education practitioner. | |
4. | D & I (Development and Innovation) (1000-1500 words) |
Any teachers or education practitioner, who have developed learning models, media, assessment, or any product, may share their experience here. The product does not have to be included, but may be shared for any interested readers. | |
5. | Mathematics Around Us (800-1000 words) |
This piece calls for discussion on interesting occurrence of mathematics in everyday life. It can be any mathematics you found when you watch TV, when you are having a walk, or when you visit a historical site. Photos can be submitted to compliment the manuscript. Submission are welcome from teachers, university lecturers, or any other qualified education practitioner. | |
6. | Hall of Fame (250 words) |
This is the hall of inspirational photos; we are thinking of accomplished teachers and students, joyful and meaningful classroom activities, competitions or activities your school involved in, etc. Send them in! Each contributor may share one photo only, so choose wisely to embody the “inspiration” we want the reader to see. Each photo is provided a description in the format of Ms. Word. |
How to submit? Prospective contributor should submit their manuscript to according to the criteria above.
Published manuscripts will be awarded honorarium as a token of appreciation, while unpublished manuscripts will be considered for next editions, referred to other publications, or returned to authors. The editorial board reserves the right to revise and refine the manuscripts without changing the overall idea/content.
Ingin menulis untuk kami?
Bulletin kami, SEAMETRICAL sedang mencari contributor naskah untuk rubrik-rubrik kami. Masing-masing rubric ini berfokus pada tema yang berbeda.
1. | Focus (1000-1500 kata) |
Diskusi ilmiah tentang topik atau isu penting dan viral di pendidikan atau pendidikan matematika. Rubric ini akan menjadi fiture utama SEAMETRICAL. Kami menerima submisi dari guru, dosen, atau praktisi pendidikan lainnya. | |
2. | Best Practice (1000-1500 kata) |
Untuk Bapak/Ibu guru yang sudah bereksperimen dengan aktivitas, tugas, atau soal yang inovatif dan kreatif, ayo kirimkan ide dan pengalaman di kelas kalian ke SEAMETRICAL! Aktivitas, tugas, atau soal yang dimaksud harus disertakan sebagai lampiran. Video pendek (tidak lebih dari 2 menit) bisa disertakan untuk memperjelas naskah. Kami bertujuan agar aktivitas, tugas, atau soal tersebut bisa diterapkan atau dimodifikasi pembaca untuk memperkaya kelasnya masing-masing. | |
3. | Reader’s voices (800-1000 kata) |
Kami mencari esai opini terkait isu terkini di pendidikan atau pendidikan matematika. Naskah harus ringkas, to-the-point, dan memancing diskusi. Submisi dipersilakan untuk guru, dosen, atau praktisi pendidikan lainnya. | |
4. | D& I (Development and Innovation) (1000-1500 kata) |
Kami mengundang guru dan praktisi pendidikan yang telah mengembangkan model pembelajaran, media, atau asesmen, untuk berbagi pengalaman disini. Produk yang dikembangkan tidak perlu disertakan, namun bisa dibagi untuk pembaca yang berminat. | |
5. | Mathematics Around Us (800-1000 kata) |
Rubrik ini membahas fenomena matematika yang muncul di kehidupan sehari-hari. Foto bisa disertakan untuk mendukung naskah. Kami menerima submisi dari guru, dosen, atau praktisi pendidikan lainnya. | |
6. | Hall of Fame (250 kata) |
Bagian ini memuat foto-foto inspirational; misalkan guru dan siswa berprestasi, pembelajaran yang bermakna dan menyenangkan, ataupun lomba dan aktivitas yang diikuti sekolah Anda. Ayo kirim! Masing-masing kontributor hanya boleh mengirimkan satu foto, jadi pilihlah yang paling meng-“inspirasi”. Masing-masing foto dikirim beserta deskripsi pendek dengan format Ms. Word dan panjang yang sudah ditentukan. |
Bagaimana cara mengirimkan naskah?
Calon kontributor mengirimkan naskahnya ke sesuai dengan kriteria di atas.