Yogyakarta: On November 4, 2022, SEAQiM held the first offline monthly meeting since the COVID-19 pandemic. For about two years, the monthly meeting was held virtually through a zoom meeting. The monthly meeting is an internal SEAQiM forum that brings together all employees in SEAQiM to prepare and evaluate programmes and update information related to all divisions in SEAQiM.
Twenty-five meeting participants, comprising the Board of Directors, Management and staff, were actively engaged in the meeting. There are four divisions in SEAQiM they are Partnership International Public Relations and Marketing (PIPRM), Personnel Finance and Infrastructure (PFI), Research Development Capacity Building and Training (RDCBT), and Teaching Learning Resources Material Development (TLRMD) and one training specialist division. This month, the meeting was hosted by the RDCBT division, which led the discussion and acted as the note-taker.
In the opening, the Director SEAQiM expressed his enthusiasm in the first offline monthly meeting SEAQiM and hoped everyone was in good health. Further, he appreciated the dedication of all staff in running all programs within the year. The meeting was continued by the updates from all divisions, represented by the head of the division. The updates were about the series of work in the division, including the ongoing and forthcoming programme. Then the meeting was continued by evaluating some programs such as The 13th Governing Board Meeting, the 7th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation, Regular courses on ICT and Differentiated Instruction, In-country Tanah Laut and In-Country Palu.
The fruitful two-hour meeting was very effective, and the Center hopes to hold the following year’s program offline.