The Southeast Asian Mathematics Education Journal (SEAMEJ) is supported by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Mathematics situated in Yogyakarta Indonesia, better known as SEAQiM. Launched on July 13, 2009, there are now three SEAMEO QITEPs in Indonesia. One centre is in Mathematics (Yogyakarta), the other two centres are in Science (Bandung) and Language (Jakarta).
SEAMEJ is an academic journal devoted to publishing a variety of research studies and theoretical papers in the field of mathematics education. This Journal seeks to stimulate discussion at all levels of the mathematics education community. SEAMEJ aims to publish an edition twice a year, in June and December. In this issue there are papers that have undergone our blind peer review process and we are indebted to those on the External Advisory Panel for their support.
The papers offered in the first section include: a Malaysian perspective highlighting the importance of visual imagery and thinking when teaching derivatives; an Australian perspective on computational thinking and its place in the curriculum; and a variety of Indonesian papers offering insights into the importance of translation in the modelling process and thinking fragmentation, insights into the importance of visual proofs in the implementation of discovery learning, as well as theoretical insights into the scientific approach embedded in the latest Indonesian curriculum.
The second section consists of papers that have undergone a review process by an editorial committee. The two papers involve insights into the theoretical and research literature involving Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence and its contribution to education. One paper came from the 5th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI 2018) held from 13th to 14th November 2018. ISMEI is a SEAQiM’s biennial event which aims to foster the exchange of innovative ideas and strategies for mathematics teaching and learning in modern classrooms.
The final section has also undergone a review process by an editorial committee but is reserved for brief papers or short communications. Readers will be interested in the work of a newly formed body in Malaysia focused upon STEM.
This journal seeks articles highlighting empirical as well as theoretical research studies, particularly those that have a perspective wider than local or national interests. All contributions to SEAMEJ will be peer reviewed and we are indebted to those on the External Advisory Panel for their support.
Finally, we say farewell and thanks to Dr. Wahyudi as former Director of SEAQiM and editor of this journal and wish him well in his new position with SEAMEO Secretariat.
Sumardyono and Allan L. White