SEAQiM in Collaboration with IOA Held In-country Training in Waingapu

Waingapu – In-country Training on Joyful Learning in Mathematics Education for Primary School Teachers was officially opened on Monday, 1 August 2016 at SD Kristen Kasih Agape. Participated by 30 teachers from Sumba Timur District, the training will last for five days until 5 August 2016. The participants are teachers who finally passed the selection process from the total of 70 teachers who had applied for the training before. The training becomes the first collaboration programme between (SEAQiM) SEAMEO Regional Centre fort QITEP in Mathematics dan IOA (Indonesian Overseas Alumni).

In his opening remark, Mr. Karimu Yanto, the Headmaster of SD Kristen Kasih Agape, gave his appreciation to the team from SEAQiM dan IOA who have planned to realize this programme since last year. Mr. Simon Tanto, the Head of Yayasan Kasih Agape, added that the development of education in Sumba Timur District is very low. Accordingly, during his speech, he reminded all participants to actively participate in the training. “This will be very important to make betterment in education in our district”, he said.

Ms. Tanti Sugiharti Singgih, the Executive Director of IOA, explained more that the training is a part of Transformation Leadership and Science Creative programme which is conducted to improve the quality of education in Nusa Tenggara Timur, started from Sumba Timur district. Attended also by Mr. Yusuf Waluwanja, the Head of Educational Office of Sumba Timur District as well as training participants, the opening ceremony run well.

After completing the opening ceremony, the participants had the opportunity to discuss and share many things related to mathematics teaching and learning with Mr. Fadjar Shadiq, one of the facilitators from SEAQiM. This was done during a session entitled “Current Issues and New Trend in Mathematics Education”. This sessions proved to be very meaningful for all participant since they were finally encouraged to discuss and share obstacles they usually face during mathematics teaching process at class. The next activity was pre-test to measure participants’ knowledge on joyful learning. Ms. Uki Rachmawati delivered Project-based Learning in the first day’s last session.

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