Call for Mathematics Teachers in SEAMEO Member Countries!
Do you want to come to SEAQiM?
Officially invited by SEAQiM?
fully funded by SEAQiM also?
Yes now is your time!
Southeast Asia Mathematics Teaching and Learning Model 2019
“Innovation without Border: Make Mathematics Great Again!”
Jogjakarta, 11-19 November 2019.
Register yourself at :
1. Design your best Mathematics lesson plan (and accompanying resources) integrating one or more of the following themes: • STEM
• Energy Efficiency, Resiliency, and Security
• Mathematical modelling
• Local cultural context
• Coding/Programming/Computational thinking
• Hands-on activity
– The lesson should be designed for 2×45 minutes
– The lesson plan should be in English.
– The lesson plan should follow the required template.
The template is downloadable in this link:
while you can check for example of lesson in this link:
2. Create a short video (maximum 3 min) of you implementing the lesson (or the activity in the lesson) to small group of students, and upload it to video hosting website such as Youtube.
– Mathematics teachers from all grades (Primary School, Junior High School, Senior High/Vocational School)
– Has been actively teaching for at least 1 year
– Residing in one of the SEAMEO member countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Timor Leste, Singapore, Philippines)
– Proficient in English
– Each teacher can send one lesson plan only.
10 Selected Teachers (Based on their Lesson Plans) will be invited to Yogyakarta and participate in a 5-day workshop
*Accommodation and transportation will be covered.
3 Best participants will be given an opportunity to implement their lesson at the selected Schools in Yogyakarta
3 Best participants will be nominated to join the 5th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI) 2020*
3 Best participants are awarded scholarship to join SEAQiM regular course.
Important Dates:
September 22, 2019 : Deadline for submitting the lesson plan ==> NEW DEADLINE : 29 SEPTEMBER 2019
October 14, 2019 : Announcement of the 10 best lesson plans
*terms and conditions apply
Contact Person Ms. Tata (+6282247977021)