Mathematics Teaching and Learning Models 2018

Mathematics Teaching and Learning Models 2018

“Math in Motion: Bringing Innovation in Mathematics Classroom”

*Only for Indonesian Math Teachers

How to Join?

Submit your Lesson Plan(s) (for Elementary, Junior High School, or Senior High/Vocational School) which should be related to the one of the following subthemes:

  1. Integrating mathematics with energy efficiency.
  2. Mathematics learning and financial literacy.
  3. Mathematics learning integrated with science, technology or engineering.
  4. Utilizing tools or teaching aids in mathematics teaching and learning.
  5. Mathematical modelling.
  6. Local cultural context in mathematics teaching and learning.

*lesson plan should be in english.

Send to :


  • 10 Selected Teachers (Based on their Lesson Plans) will be invited to Yogyakarta and participate in a 5-day workshop
    *Accommodation and transportation will be covered.
  • 3 Best participants will be given an opportunity to implement their lesson at the selected Schools in Yogyakarta
  • 3 Best participants will be nominated to join the 5th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI) 2018
  • A scholarship to join SEAQiM regular course.

Important dates:

March 24, 2018   : Deadline for submitting the lesson plan(s)

April 2, 2018        : Announcement of the 10 best lesson plans

CP. Hani Palupi – 081328159333

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