Mathematics Teaching and Learning Models 2018
“Math in Motion: Bringing Innovation in Mathematics Classroom”
*Only for Indonesian Math Teachers
How to Join?
Submit your Lesson Plan(s) (for Elementary, Junior High School, or Senior High/Vocational School) which should be related to the one of the following subthemes:
- Integrating mathematics with energy efficiency.
- Mathematics learning and financial literacy.
- Mathematics learning integrated with science, technology or engineering.
- Utilizing tools or teaching aids in mathematics teaching and learning.
- Mathematical modelling.
- Local cultural context in mathematics teaching and learning.
*lesson plan should be in english.
Send to :
- 10 Selected Teachers (Based on their Lesson Plans) will be invited to Yogyakarta and participate in a 5-day workshop
*Accommodation and transportation will be covered. - 3 Best participants will be given an opportunity to implement their lesson at the selected Schools in Yogyakarta
- 3 Best participants will be nominated to join the 5th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI) 2018
- A scholarship to join SEAQiM regular course.
Important dates:
March 24, 2018 : Deadline for submitting the lesson plan(s)
April 2, 2018 : Announcement of the 10 best lesson plans
CP. Hani Palupi – 081328159333