Sam Ratulangi Award
“Learning loss recovery:
(Re)engaging students in joyful and meaningful mathematics learning”
SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics seeks for ingenious teachers and their lesson plan that strive for recovering lost learning in mathematics. Are you one of those ingenious teachers? If so, join us!
Registration and Submission
1. Register to
2. Design and submit your lesson plan (and accompanying resources) according to the following criteria:
- submit an innovative lesson plan, which includes, but is not limited to the following sub-themes:
- project-based learning
- differentiated instruction
- STEM education
- mathematical modelling
- ICT based learning
- computational thinking
- innovative mathematics teaching aids (low cost, hands-on, recycled, etc)
- ethnomathematics
- lesson duration: 2×45 minutes
- be genuine and tested in class;
- written in English (.pdf file)
- use the provided lesson plan template: MTLM-lesson-template_2023
(Visit for reference) - use the provided summary of the implementation template: Summary of the implementation 2023
- submit an innovative lesson plan, which includes, but is not limited to the following sub-themes:
3. Create and submit the implementation video:
- contain lesson implementation, capturing full lesson (opening, the main activity, closing).
- duration: 4 minutes at most
- upload to your drive/cloud/YouTube and copy the link onto the section on the registration form
Submitted components which do not meet the requirements will be eliminated
- Mathematics teachers at all levels (primary school, junior high school, senior high/vocational school)
- Be a teacher of SEAMEO Member Countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Timor Leste, Singapore, Philippines)
- One submission per teacher
- Never been selected as the 3 best participants of the previous SEA-MTLM
20 Selected Participants
- be invited to a 4-day workshop
- be given a certificate
3 Best Participants
- be given an opportunity to implement their lesson at the selected school(s)
- be prioritized to join SEAQiM regular course
- be invited as speaker for SEAQiM’s international seminar (20 July 2023)
- be awarded with Sam Ratulangi Award and special reward
Important Dates
April 12, 2023 |
: Deadline for registration and submission |
May 1, 2023 |
: Announcement of 20 selected lesson plans |
May 16-19, 2023 |
: Workshop |
July 17-18, 2023 |
: Implementation of three best lesson plan at school(s) for three teachers |
July 19, 2023 |
: Finalization of lesson plan |
+6281250465506 (Uul)