SEAQiM initiated the implementation of the “Program Pojok Numerasi”, which promises to transform the way students learn, improving numeracy skills among students and engaging with mathematical concepts. The heart of this initiative is a planning series to provide interactive media and tools that cater to primary school students. This program campaigns numeracy skills and will later become a space for students to explore various activities to develop numeracy skills at school.
Monday-Tuesday, March 25-26, 2024, SEAQiM conducted an official mentorship stage led by the SEAQiM team consisting of training specialists and committees of Program Pojok Numerasi. The mentorship stage is a follow-up action after the signing of Perjanjian Kerja Sama (agreement) between SEAQiM and ten (10) selected Piloting Schools to develop and implement Program Pojok Numerasi. The deal was signed on Thursday, March 20, by directly presenting the head of piloting schools at the Conference Room, SEAQiM, marking a collaborative effort to pilot the innovative Pojok Numerasi.
As the collaboration begins, the mentorship is the first stage of the Pojok Numerasi series activities. It aims to provide participating schools with personalized assistance in effectively integrating Pojok Numerasi into their schools’ curriculum and instructional practices. Ten piloting schools from Yogyakarta consisting of SD Negeri Lempuyangwangi, SD Negeri Depok 1, SD Muhammadiyah Pakem, SD Muhammadiyah Prambanan, SD N Wonosari I, SDN Ngestiharjo, SD Negeri Priyan, SD Sabdodadi Keyongan, SD Negeri 2 Gadingharjo, and SD Negeri Ploso visited by SEAQiM team to brainstorm and insight sharing related to Pojok Numerasi fostering teaching strategies, develop engaging numeracy lesson plan, and leverage digital resources to enhance mathematical learning experiences. Participating schools will receive comprehensive support and resources to implement the Pojok Numerasi program effectively. The following supports include workshops for teachers, access to educational materials, and ongoing guidance from SEAQiM.
The mentorship program provides invaluable support, enhances educators’ capacity, fosters a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration among educators, and reaffirms commitment to nurturing the next generation of problem solvers. After this stage, SEAQiM officially plans to launch the Program Pojok Numerasi in May 2024. For more updates on the Program Pojok Numerasi and its impact on education, stay tuned to SEAQiM!