Regular Course on STEM for Mathematics Learning
for Junior High School Mathematics Teachers
SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Mathematics is pleased to announce the names of participants who have passed the selection process for participating in the Regular Course on STEM for Mathematics Learning for Junior High School Mathematics Teachers that will be held on-site at SEAQiM, Yogyakarta on 16 – 29 July 2024.
No. |
Name |
Institution |
Province |
Country |
1 |
Ms. Susan a/p Matius |
SMK Putrajaya Presint 18 (1), Putrajaya |
Malaysia |
2 |
Mr. Ranie G.Manligoy |
San Antonio National High School |
Philippines |
3 |
Mr. Michael C. Villareal |
Zeferino Arroyo High School |
Philippines |
4 |
Ms. Rujiluk Mungcharoen |
Satit Bangna School |
Thailand |
5 |
Ms. Seng Chanthina |
Obekkhaom Secondary School |
Cambodia |
6 |
Mr Bounkhong PHOMMATHA |
Neerada School |
Lao PDR |
7 |
Ms. Marley Binti Nirus |
Sekolah Menengah Masin |
Brunei Darussalam |
8 |
Ms. Low Leng Leng |
Sekolah Menengah Berakas |
Brunei Darussalam |
9 |
Mr. Duarte da Silva Belo |
Escola CAFÉ de Baucau |
Timor Leste |
10 |
Mr. Rosilio Karyono Brito Borges DA CRUZ |
ESG No.1 Lautem |
Timor Leste |
11 |
Ms. Dewi Astuti Normansa |
UPTD SMP Satap Negeri 8 Sengkang |
Sulawesi Selatan |
Indonesia |
12 |
Ms. Diana Fathonah |
SMP Negeri 1 Narmada |
Nusa Tenggara Barat |
Indonesia |
13 |
Mr. Doni Setiyo Ardiyanto |
SMP Negeri 1 Tempuran |
Jawa Tengah |
Indonesia |
14 |
Ms. Endang Ekawati |
SMP Negeri 15 Surabaya |
Jawa Timur |
Indonesia |
15 |
Ms. Fitriyanti |
SMP Negeri 7 Kotabumi |
Lampung |
Indonesia |
16 |
Ms. Gita Safitri |
SMP N 2 Kota Jambi |
Jambi |
Indonesia |
17 |
Ms. Ida Muslimah |
UPT SPF SMP Negeri 35 Makassar |
Sulawesi Selatan |
Indonesia |
18 |
Mr. Muh. Muhni Tasnim |
SMPN 1 Gorontalo |
Gorontalo |
Indonesia |
19 |
Mr. Muhammad Izzad Kaisar |
UPTD SMPN 20 Sinjai |
Sulawesi Selatan |
Indonesia |
20 |
Ms. Nadhiah Hanum |
MTsN 1 Aceh Besar |
Aceh |
Indonesia |
21 |
Ms. Norma Galih Sumadi |
SMP N 1 Garung |
Jawa Tengah |
Indonesia |
22 |
Ms. Petrina Talita Putri |
SMPN 2 Balung |
Jawa Timur |
Indonesia |
23 |
Mr. Sahrul |
SMP Negeri 8 Kayan Hulu |
Kalimantan Barat |
Indonesia |
24 |
Ms. Sella Arzyta AS |
SMP Negeri 28 Bulukumba |
Sulawesi Selatan |
Indonesia |
25 |
Ms. Silviana Ayu Lorenzia |
SMP Darul Hikam |
Jawa Barat |
Indonesia |
26 |
Mr. Sofyan Lamadi |
SMP Negeri 3 Jayapura |
Papua |
Indonesia |
27 |
Ms. Suci Rahmadani |
MTsS Nurul Kamal |
Bengkulu |
Indonesia |
28 |
Ms. Warisni Ardhana Hasbi |
UPTD SMP Negeri 9 Parepare |
Sulawesi Selatan |
Indonesia |
29 |
Ms. Wenny Faizzatunnisa’ |
SMPN 1 Bangil |
Jawa Timur |
Indonesia |
30 |
Mr. Yusuf Ahmadi |
SMP Negeri 3 Tanjungpinang |
Kepulauan Riau |
Indonesia |
Congratulations to all selected participants. We are looking forward to meeting you soon. Please contact Tika Setiawati (+62 811-2580-655) via WhatsApp for further information.
Dr. Sumardyono
NIP 197505222001121004